Welcome to our personal journal page!

We decided to create a wedding website to share the memories with everyone who was there and also for those who were unable to be in attendance. We received so much positive feedback from that experience that we decided to continue sharing a portion of our personal lives with the world through our annual journals (updated twice a month or more) and our anniversary journals. We stopped the journals because we are both on Facebook now and it's too much work to do both, but we are still providing links to photos taken on our anniversary trips (you don't need a Facebook account to see them).

If you would like to connect with us on Facebook and you are a family member or personal friend, you can connect with Keenan here and with Julie here. If you are a LiveWorkPlay connection (that's our life's work!) connect with Julie here and with Keenan here.

Annual Journals

(For 2007-2008 and beyond find us on Facebook!)
2006-2007 Journal
2005-2006 Journal
2004-2005 Journal
2003-2004 Journal
2002-2003 Journal
2001-2002 Journal
Anniversary Journals

Eighth Anniversary (2009)
  • New York City
  • Italy - Santa Margherita
  • Italy - Alps
  • Italy - Turin
    Seventh Anniversary
    Sixth Anniversary
    Fifth Anniversary
    Fourth Anniversary
    Third Anniversary
    Second Anniversary
    First Anniversary